Venom OG No. 52 Genetics
Everything about the Venom OG 52 is huge. The Venom OG No. 52 clone was selected by The Humboldt Seed Company to represent the popular seed line in the Summer of 2017. Photo shown here was grown at Sovereign_707, displaying the Venom OG No. 52 in beautiful form. The cultivar is known for its large leaves, plant size, yield, and heavy dense terpenes. Venom 52 was chosen from a massive patch of Venom OG seeds, and gifted HendRx Farm to distribute to licensed cultivators and hobbyist farmers. Venom OG No. 52 clonal tissue has been submitted to Phylos Bio-Science. To learn more about the Venom OG No. 52 and its origin, view this Phylos genetic report.
Venom OG No. 52 Cannabinoid Profile
Venom OG 52 is a high potency hybrid, and has been suggested for anxiety relief, lack of appetite, and pain moderation. It has been tested and shown THC levels between 10-28% with a unique appearance and array of heavy aromoas. With dark OG aromas, the gas kush notes are steeped in deep anise. Cultivators can expect noticeable percentages of β-myrcene, α-pinene, β-pinene, δ-limonene, β-caryophyllene, α-humulene, camphene, guaiol, and linalool. Venom OG No. 52 👀 is ridiculously good looking.