Blue Dream Genetics
Blue Dream is one of the base palette colors which makes up the cannabis crayon box. With no post legalization hype train exaggerations, Blue Dream is one of the most widely consumed flavors of the California cannabis inhalant. From the beaches of Santa Cruz, shrouded in mystery, Lynn bred the Blue Dream from DJ Short’s Blueberry and Haze. Perhaps a myth, the origin story is difficult if not impossible to confirm, but it is believed that from the backyard of this Redwood covered canopy this clone traversed and populated every corner of the cannabis community. Collect Blue Dream to fulfill the endless demand for this prolific classic. The most Sativa of all the hybrids, Blue Dream is known for its big blossoming bloom cycle, and grower friendly reputation. Perfect for beginning home growers and commercial mass pre-rolls. Santa Cruz Blue Dream is a true-to-type nostalgic high demand classic.