Glitter Bomb Genetics
Glitter Bomb from Compound Chris highlights the very best expressions from the breeder’s capability. This selection moves away from the apricot and terpinolene dominant aromas like the Ice Cream Man and the Glazed Apricot Gelato. The Glitter Bomb clone blossoms early and hard, sparking beauty and bag appeal as well as individualism. Utilizing the feminized pollination of the Grape Gas, Glitter Bomb is an early harvest and distinct blueberry aromatic and earth appeal. Grown here by Sunny Mountain Farms on the Hupa native reservation north of Humboldt County on the Trinity River, Hupa is known for it’s historic Salmon migration and spawning grounds, refreshing waters, and fertile ganja farms.
Glitter Bomb Cannabinoid Profile
The Glitter Bomb sparkles and glistens in the sunlight with purple hues and releases a pleasant sweet earthy aroma into the atmosphere. β-myrcene and β-caryophyllene are the most dominant terpenes found in this chemovar, predicting there may be some sedative indica-type effects to expect from the flower. From all accounts Glitter Bomb had a prolific Summer in 2024, with great reports from farm hands and weed heads. Try this primary pick from HENDRX in clone form for commercial orders and home grows.