Carbon Fiber

Grape Pie X Grapes N Cream X Biscotti

Harvest Indoor

58-65 Days

Harvest Outdoor

Early to Mid October




Great Structure, Thick Stems, Vigorous Growth, Medium/Tall Height, Easy Growth


Moderate to Heavy








β-caryophyllene, δ-limonene, α-humulene, α-pinene, β-pinene, fenchol, linalool, terpineol

Flavors & Aromas

Anise, Nutty, Skunk, Sweet, Papaya, Fruit Flesh, Putrid, Decay


White, Silver, Orange, Green, Blue


Enhanced relaxation, Sexual arousal, Hunger/appetite enhanced, Mind wanders, Drowsiness, Pain Relief, Nausea relief

Carbon Fiber Genetics

Cultivar Carbon Fiber, a three way cross breed from Cannarado, is a hybrid of Grape Pie, Grapes N Cream, and Biscotti. Selected for California by the Colorado native, the dense large buds of the Carbon Fiber clone chunk off and thud when they hit bottom of the jar. With an even slow burn, the smoke is soft and light, creating large billows after waiting to exhale. The deep ember radiates in the joint or bowl as if coated by a thin layer of keefed hash. Grown here by Moca Humboldt, the Carbon Fiber provides great structure, thick stems and vigorous growth. At maturity the plant reaches medium to tall height; the Carbon Fiber strain is an easy grower and a good producer. 

Carbon Fiber Cannabinoids

Carbon Fiber clones yield a consistent cannabinoid ratio, with a light touch of 1% Cannabigerol and two equally dominant terpenes: β-caryophyllene and δ-limonene. This is really Cannarado, and the complexity of the notes of the Carbon Fiber strain demonstrate a careful expression of layered aromas. The front of the nose is met with sharp, skunky, and nutty scents, while the deeper reach of the nostril encounter a sweeter, fruity decay of sugar and papaya. Carbon Fiber has provided aide to stomach discomfort and nausea while improving mood, followed a by deep uninterrupted sleep. The Carbon Fiber strain is a pleasant high with deep Indica like effects.